Speech AI:
A Personal Speech Training Coach
2 months
Satyan Chawla, Erin Ho, Jared Trinkler
The goal is to help non-native professionals improve oral presentation skills and not let communication hinder them at work. Speech AI provides non-native speakers with in-depth feedback on speech content and oral training anywhere and anytime.
My role in this project is to discover service opportunities through PESTLE and SET Analysis and design service interactions and mobile interfaces for the App.
Opportunity Framing
Our team started researching the macro-environmental factors on speech training through PESTLE and SET Analysis, making sure we explore the opportunity possibilities.
To further understand the need in the speech training field, we interviewed young professionals about their speech preparation experiences.
As the result of our interview, we have validated speech training services are beneficial to students and working professionals, especially for non-native speakers.
We gathered users' insights and defined our service's goals considering:
Help reduce content redundancy
Help capture audience interest early on and hold it throughout the speech
Provide different preferences for Memorization vs. Improvisation
Guide with different tones depending on the story hierarchy and the audiences
Encourage feedbacks between humans enables courteous and polite interactions
Research on audience background and provide real-time reaction is essential
Reinforce positive feedback to boost confidence
Provide visual feedback on body language and gestures
User Personas
Competitor Analysis
By further diving into understanding our competitor company goals, technology, services, we started brainstorming to differentiate our service
Technology Implementation
With the opportunities —content structure, accent, clarity, fluency, and word choice— to solve in mind, we researched existing technology that we could implement in our service.
Scenario Storyboard
We created our service scenarios to assist our target users by providing feedback on the tone, flow, and pronunciation of words when they practice their speech.
App Content Mapping
Service Value Flow
Through our intelligent coach service, we:
Help non-native speakers to deliver impactful speeches
Share our service data to a data marketplace
Train young professionals at enterprises
Business Model
Speech AI - Getting Started & Set Goals
A brief introduction to the service allows users to build their experience by setting the constraints for their speech goals, including duration, tone, and main takeaway messages.